Qoute of the "Week"

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

söndag 22 juli 2012

thoughts and notice

I havent been bothered to cear about this blogg for a LONG time, but recently I have been thinking more and more about it. Even if i dont have any readers I need to remind me that I started this for my own sake, and not for others.

So what have i been up to? Well I started with Warmachine and hoard in april and I must say really do enjoy the game, the race that I chose was Trollblood I cant get from the thing that they remind me of the Skotts with there kilts and there special and pricturial collor and patterns, and there foundnes of ale (not sure if the last part is really true, but hey they are part of the Grate brittan empire) and with that you must be blind if you cant drawn the resimblance to the Dwarfs! And the fact that the TrollBloods are fighting for there survival.

I even got my little sister to pick up the game, she also chose a hoard race the Legion of Everblight.

So how are things with Warhammer? Well in april there was the big Fantasia Finatic taurnoment and this time I did much beter, specialy when there was no Scenarios and I am more used to the game. I ended up at 29 out of 84 or something like that, I am really glad and happy with the resaults. But I must say that I am nervus about the tournoment this autom how the Dwarfs will do. Now that we wont be playing with ETC rules and I belive back to senarios, think there might be to much against me TBH. but there is no point taking out the lost to soon before I even have all the facts.

I have started with Dark elves now, might be abit of betryal but I always wanted to have Dwarfs, Dark elves and Wood elves. I have my sister all the wood elf I have and she´s have taken a intrest, Shes nearly done with 12 dryads and they are coming together real nicely.

With the Dark elves I am building my ownd Couldron of Blood from scrath, and its coming along quit well now that I have made some progres on it.

I am abit strest out Since I will anted a 1500Pts taurnoment on the 4 of Agoust with my Dark elves and I have allot of things still that I need to paint up before then. Just hoping that I can ge the couldron done to a acceptible standard so I can use it, if not I will need to get together a Dwarf list insted.

That is all for now