Qoute of the "Week"

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

lördag 11 augusti 2012

Tournoment "report"

So I am here again. First i think I will only write a post once or twice each month, dont think I can do much more then that. Right now I have taken a break from all minitures just to recharge my batteries.
So how did the Tournament go?

Well first of all I hade a wonderfull time, with some really fun and intresting games, and I must say I really did learn allot how my army Cold one knights army works. Even if I can tell I got a long way to go. So how did the game´s go? well I have 1 drawn against Filip and his Beastmen army, then I had a win against Jon and his ogres (the leder of the tournament) but not by much. then I got completly sloughtered against Robin and his WoC Juggernot army then I had a win against Alexander and his Dark elves army =).

so over all I ended up on 11th place out of 18 total, really glad with it since I was using a new army that I am still learning hadn't look what the scenarios where before I played the matches. And before all the games everyone from my gaming community did gues how well/ or bad they would do. I had guest that I would end up on 10th place but I ended up on 11. I take it such as I know my own ability's really well.