So I am here again. First i think I will only write a post once or twice each month, dont think I can do much more then that. Right now I have taken a break from all minitures just to recharge my batteries.
So how did the Tournament go?
Well first of all I hade a wonderfull time, with some really fun and intresting games, and I must say I really did learn allot how my army Cold one knights army works. Even if I can tell I got a long way to go. So how did the game´s go? well I have 1 drawn against Filip and his Beastmen army, then I had a win against Jon and his ogres (the leder of the tournament) but not by much. then I got completly sloughtered against Robin and his WoC Juggernot army then I had a win against Alexander and his Dark elves army =).
so over all I ended up on 11th place out of 18 total, really glad with it since I was using a new army that I am still learning hadn't look what the scenarios where before I played the matches. And before all the games everyone from my gaming community did gues how well/ or bad they would do. I had guest that I would end up on 10th place but I ended up on 11. I take it such as I know my own ability's really well.