Qoute of the "Week"

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

onsdag 14 november 2012

Late Fanatic report

So how did it go with this autom Fanatic? Well I did win 3 games and lose 2, so its like last time but I did around 5 points worse this time if I remeber correct so its not that bad, I did end up at 30 place this time so its all good.It was also really fun to see another dwarf player to end up at place 18th! He did a grate job and its always fun to see that the dwarven players are geting higher up in the ranking.

 I did have a grate time as you always can expect from Fantasia Fanatic tournaments. Even if I did have a game vs O&G where nothing did work out my way and my opponent was on fire, so I was more or less just laugthing awey throu the game since there was nothing I reallt could do. After all I did my cannons and my GT in just the first turn, but my 2 cannon did have 1 wound left but he was unable to hurt anything, so the rest of my warmachines where shot down in turn 2-3, or blown up. He where also able to get 6 Fot of Gork of on me and almost all of them where able to get full hits aswell, not just that he did even manegde to kill both my BSB and runelord (general) in the same turn with the same spell, after I failed a look out sir,  so it was all fun and games =)