Qoute of the "Week"

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

måndag 21 januari 2013


Finally I have Finished my Stonehorn except for some really minor detail. I haven't started on the base yet mainly because I haven't decide what I want to do with yet. Since I want it to connect with the rest of the army and its theme, got some ides what I want to be done, but I still just don't know what is doable and looks good with everything.

I have also come quite on the way with my Mournfang cav, done with the fur on all my 4 of them and done all the base coating on them aswell, started with the highlighting on the horn that are attached to the seat.

I can also report that I have started painting on my Ironblaster, I have mainly been focused on one of the big horn and I am on my first layer of highlighting, I have also started doing some layering on the cannon. I have thou find that I am lacking 2 of the new metal colours so I need to get them before I can go any further with it

Thats all for now