Qoute of the "Week"

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

lördag 31 december 2011


I have finish painting 13 Miners in a table top standard and it feels grate! to be done with them! But I will come back later and try with the LoS effect on there helm since there is a candle on there helm. But for the 1500pts tournament I will need to have 25 table top painted miners and I need to finish the last bits on my 16 new warriors that I started on in December.

I have also started painting another one of the pony with a cart. That I will try to finish it before the 7 January in order to use it on the tournament on the 8th. So I wont need to rush 9 other miners that from another company that I am trying to figure out where I want what colours and such on.

A good news is that I have fully assembled the Syl-Iriah and I am planing on priming it tomorrow, now its time to figure out how I want to paint it. But I am looking forward to painting here.

Today for the first time I have done a base of Green stuff and it went really well. The base is for my High king Thorgrim Grudgebearer!

I will post some pictures later so you can see what's I have done.

Think that's all for now

tisdag 13 december 2011

Building syl-Iriah, Spirit of the Woods

The several last day I have felt a urge to build together syl-Iriah so last night I started putting here together, Bending here wings and I am happy with the results and I used some liquid green stuff to remove the gaps where the wings and the body don't match 100%. I will post a picture of here as soon as I have taken one of here.

måndag 12 december 2011

Dual wielding Dwarf Lord

The Dual wielding Dwarf Lord. I am really happy with how the model turnd out specially the orange beard and the Golden armour. Not sure if you can see the blue diamond on his left arm but it really turnd out great. There is some minor details left that I still need to fix but its table top finish.

Dwarf Thunder Lord

 Here is the Thunder Lord from Avatars of war.

Not really happy with how the gun ended up but its fine for now.

I am really happy with how the cape turn out in the end.
  I am really happy with how the jewel on his golden wrist turnd out

Just a little dark

Treeman picture

As I promise before here are the picture on them. Even if I haven't finished the basing on one of the model but you get the ide. I feel that I am not really happy with the other 2 bases yet so I will do some more work on them.

All 3 of them together, just a bit dark tho.

tisdag 6 december 2011


Once again I must apoligise for my lack of posting.
But I have been puting together my 12 Dryads and they are almost finished just 1 more thing to glue on them, then I can spray them and start paitning.
With my new block of warriors I currently paiting them. Today I started doing the detaild work on some of the beards, not really sure if I am fine with what I have done so far but its really the first or second time I have tryed to paint some detailed beards. But you cant get good with out any practise.

Later today I will try to order some figures that I want to have just for the painting sake from the gaming store, really hoping i can order the minitures though them.

onsdag 19 oktober 2011


I have finished the 3 tree man from Ragingheros last Friday, just need to finish painting there bases. with the other 2 I have just done a layer of red and a dark brown, haven't gotten any father then that.

I bought a Dwarf Lord from avatars of war with a handgun that I am near finish with, just got some miner problems deciding what colors to use on some of the last details. I also started with the other one I bought from there by getting a really nice blue color cape. I am trying to figure out what color schema I will use.

I have also sorting though my pile of bits and organize them in net plastic bags, and I have started removing   dryads and wood elf from there spurs and placing them in these bags so I wont need to deal with the large box with all the wood elves in them.

söndag 9 oktober 2011


I atended the tournament last week and I ended up at place 69 of 74. I am glad that I am not last since I am so new to the game and building a army that can face the most opponents and even controlling my units correctly and anticipate what the facing player will do here next.

Under the tournament there is always a discount at out local shoop. So I went there to buys some things and I came home with 2 books from the Black library publishing. the models I bought was a core unit of 16 warriors, 9 Miners from the company GameZone they look so different from GW and they are just so cool that I felt that I just must get some, The high dwarf king that is carried on to battle on his golden throne. I found another company that produces miniatures and they are the "Raging Heros" from them I bought 3 Ents or Treekin that they are know as. and a elf with some wings thats resembles a butterfly, and some new brushes.

Right now I am trying to finish 5 Ents or Treekin before this Saturday because I want to use them in our local Bring in Battle, just to STOMP my enemies to death =)

tisdag 27 september 2011

Fantasia Finatic XX

This Saturday and sunday I will attend a grand tournament its for both for 40k and fantasy its about 170 attending. And I will be playing with my Dwarves army clearly =) I just got a few finishing touches left on the army, the details left are on the organ gun some on the horse and wagon and about 50% left on 7 Hammers, and just but some grass on about 110 bases =)

tisdag 13 september 2011


I finished my newer model of the Grudgethrower a week ago and I finally got around to take the picture of it to night. its just metal and some gold on the detailed and with a layer of black wash.

tisdag 6 september 2011

low publishing

Sorry for the low publishing, but have been taking it easy. Got my 25 hammers on the 30 august, so have been file and spraying them and just starting painting them but sadly I got ill last wednesday and still are, so the painting is to a hold.
But I am glad to say that I have done around 90% of the base of Anvil of Doom.  As well done the base layer on the organ gun.

fredag 26 augusti 2011


Sorry for the low publishing. Just been taking it easy and I had my birthday earlier this week. But I am glad to notify that I have finished my old warrior and quarrelers, just before my birthday and it was my goal so I am happy about that.
I ordered 25 hammers at out local store and picked up 5 the same day, I have almost finished 4 hammers.

I will post some pictures on the old warriors/quarrelers and the hammers.

tisdag 16 augusti 2011

Dwarf VS Empire battle

Today I did a battle again Rickard he played Empire!
At first sight I believed it could be a even battle but that soon turn out not to be so.
Right at the first turn he managed to blow up my gyrocopter, heavily reduced my Longbeards. he destroyed my Organgun aswell so right at the beginning,and in the following turn my grudethrower blow up. with out even doing any damage at Rickards Empire. Right here the Turn shifted to Rickards advance, and it held Through the entire game. At the end Rickard totally wiped out my units.
My cannon did more or less nothing under the entire fight.

What I did wrong was to spread out my entire amy way to much by doing so I had 30 warriors with GW out of the "game" all the 6 turns. At the end I did maniged to even up the score just a litel bit, by killing 2-3 units of calvary.

fredag 12 augusti 2011

Final Finatic

Today they released the first part of the rules for this autumn final fanatic if your interested on reading them or just look our at local gaming store, but some of the text are in swedish in the final fanatic


onsdag 10 augusti 2011

Old Dwarf Magican

I got this one from a dear friend to the family around 9 years ago with some other things as the grudge thrower as I shown you before. I must say that I just love this character its specially because his holding a frog in his right arm.

måndag 8 augusti 2011

King Kazador of Karak Azul

Here comes the King Kazador of Karak Azul, I painted this one at out local gaming store before a game with Mr.M I am pleased with the finished product. Sadly I didn't get the best focus on the pictures, but I hope it will do. What I am thinking about doing is trying to do a banner with green stuff that I can put Kazador and Josef if I want to play them as a BSB just for the shows sake.

Josef Bugman

I completed him about 8-9 years ago with my skill lvl back then, but when I started with Warhammer again this year I felt that I could improve him just a bit, so here is the finished product so to speak. I hope that you will enjoy it.

söndag 7 augusti 2011

Old Grudgethrower

I completed this one about a month ago and here is the finished results, with the crew man to this machine is not 100% done just some things on them that I need to tidy up, will do that later.

fredag 5 augusti 2011

Anvil of Doom

I started polishing the bits of the excess metal pieces and I black sprayed the ground plate and the anvil so I can start doing some painting done before this week is over.

As a side note I played a Warhammer game with my family and trying to show the basic of the game. And it went quite well, even at the end I totally slaughtered a unit of Dwarf warriors with GW with my Wardancers, but I had reduced the unit before my massive rounds of shooting

As promised

as I promised last night here are the photos of the Ironbreakers and the Old Gyrocopter =)
I sincerely do hope that you will enjoy it.

Do know that it ain´t the best sharpness of the picture but it was the best I could do

torsdag 4 augusti 2011


I finished painted them some time ago, and I was pleased with the "final"product so to speak, but I never got around to basing them until today. I followed the black rock with some white color to symbolize the "frost". Even if I am not 100% sure if I will add some small dots of yellow grass as well but that will time show.
I will upload some picture´s of Ironbreakers "tomorrow/Later today" and I will also show the finished Gyrocopter on its base=)

onsdag 3 augusti 2011

Base for the Gyrocopter

Yesterday I finally started basing my Old Gyrocopters base. It´s as well the first time really doing painting the rock and sand

Just some ordinary black color on it

Just some white dry brush on the black 
 Just posting the base from different angles. I am trying to create a rocket landscape with some frost on it since dwarfs lives in the mountains and I find it suiting. To show that they are from a cold and harsh landscape.

tisdag 2 augusti 2011

Battle Report

Today I did my second battle against Mr.M´s ogres at out local GW store call Fantasia.
Todays battle where with 2500 Points, and it became a interesting match at the end!
I dont have any picture from the battle since its my first battle reports and I am thriving to make these battle reports more detailed as I progress.

Ogres Turn 1.
The Ogres started the first turn and they all moved forward, could´t shoot at anything and did no spells.

Dwarf turn 1.
I moved forward with my 30 Warriors with GW and my 30 Longbeards (GW) as well with my 23 Ironbreakers. I got of 4 shots with my organ gun and 4 kills, did shot with my Grudge thrower (1) and a few kills and then I targeted with my second grudge thrower and was hoping for some massive damage since I had 2xRoPennetration that gives it +2stre but what happens? a MISFIRE and I rolled a 1, so kablam its destroyed! Lost 135 points in just my first shooting phase. Cant say I where to happy about that, but thankfully I had a cannon as well that I managed to wound some of the ogre in Mr.M´s army. I as well had 2 units of 10x Quarrellers with GW with one of them I managed to do 2 wounds on his Giant =) and from my other unit I 1 or 2 wounds on his unit of Ogre Bulls

Ogre turn 2
he charged his Giant in my Warriors and I chose to flee and got away.
In the Center left side he moved forward with 4x Leadbelchers and stumbled upon a normal forest so he became confided thats why he moved forward with his unit of 40x gnoblars to the right of the Leadbelchers in the center of the battlefield while doing so he moved in to a forest and it turnd out to be a Wildforest and it killed 7 of 14 total that where in the forest.

Dwarf Turn 2
I rallied with my warriors. and with the gnoblars partly in the forest I chose to change with my big unit of longbeards I knew I would win the fight easy and hopefully get them to run and cut them down, with a little help from the forest. My 2 charge was towards a unit of Ogre Bulls, and I made contact thankfully since dwarf always do have problem with reaching other unit with charge. I knew that I had a 3+ armor save and a 6 ward save I felt confident that I would win the fights in the long run.
My Organ missfire but its safe rolled a 5a so I can´t shot this turn. I get of my shots with cannon but just misses his unit, but got a hit with my grudge throwers, and did 1-3 wounds with my crossbows.

I will post the rest of the battle tomorrow but right now I am just to tired to finish this.

måndag 1 augusti 2011

Old Slayers completed

Here are the finished work of the Old slayers!
 I received them from a friend to the family about 8 years ago. I am most pleased with the resaults since they where the first one I even Highlighted.
Just Love this guys rudeness!

as you can se


söndag 31 juli 2011


This blogg will be about my own progress with Warhammer Fantasy. I will post my own painting progress  and I plan to show some battle reports as well.

The races that I play and paint with is dwarfs! but other race is Wood elf, that I intend on doing some progress in the feature. When I have finnish painting the main part of my dwarven army. But I have dwarf at heart.

In the autumn the 1-2 october there will be a grand tournament in my home town that is twice a year, but this autumn it will be the 20th anniversary, and it will be the first time that I take place in it and I look so forward for it.