Qoute of the "Week"

"So do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."

tisdag 2 augusti 2011

Battle Report

Today I did my second battle against Mr.M´s ogres at out local GW store call Fantasia.
Todays battle where with 2500 Points, and it became a interesting match at the end!
I dont have any picture from the battle since its my first battle reports and I am thriving to make these battle reports more detailed as I progress.

Ogres Turn 1.
The Ogres started the first turn and they all moved forward, could´t shoot at anything and did no spells.

Dwarf turn 1.
I moved forward with my 30 Warriors with GW and my 30 Longbeards (GW) as well with my 23 Ironbreakers. I got of 4 shots with my organ gun and 4 kills, did shot with my Grudge thrower (1) and a few kills and then I targeted with my second grudge thrower and was hoping for some massive damage since I had 2xRoPennetration that gives it +2stre but what happens? a MISFIRE and I rolled a 1, so kablam its destroyed! Lost 135 points in just my first shooting phase. Cant say I where to happy about that, but thankfully I had a cannon as well that I managed to wound some of the ogre in Mr.M´s army. I as well had 2 units of 10x Quarrellers with GW with one of them I managed to do 2 wounds on his Giant =) and from my other unit I 1 or 2 wounds on his unit of Ogre Bulls

Ogre turn 2
he charged his Giant in my Warriors and I chose to flee and got away.
In the Center left side he moved forward with 4x Leadbelchers and stumbled upon a normal forest so he became confided thats why he moved forward with his unit of 40x gnoblars to the right of the Leadbelchers in the center of the battlefield while doing so he moved in to a forest and it turnd out to be a Wildforest and it killed 7 of 14 total that where in the forest.

Dwarf Turn 2
I rallied with my warriors. and with the gnoblars partly in the forest I chose to change with my big unit of longbeards I knew I would win the fight easy and hopefully get them to run and cut them down, with a little help from the forest. My 2 charge was towards a unit of Ogre Bulls, and I made contact thankfully since dwarf always do have problem with reaching other unit with charge. I knew that I had a 3+ armor save and a 6 ward save I felt confident that I would win the fights in the long run.
My Organ missfire but its safe rolled a 5a so I can´t shot this turn. I get of my shots with cannon but just misses his unit, but got a hit with my grudge throwers, and did 1-3 wounds with my crossbows.

I will post the rest of the battle tomorrow but right now I am just to tired to finish this.

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